When I can’t focus…

It’s so easy to get frustrated and angry when we watch the news and take a look at the world we live in. Every single day, terrible things happen. All this stupid, stupid things humanity keeps doing. Self harm. We live in such a lost planet, and it’s really challenging knowing what we know. About God, about His truth, about the world and all that is to be done(according to His word). It can be really difficult living, just being alive in such a dark world. Being the light isn’t as easy as some people make it to be. Living right, we all know isn’t easy at all. It’s a lot easier to just give up on humanity. To forget our calling to love, to forgive and live harmoniously with all.

When it get’s to that point for me there are some things that throw things back into perspective. Scripture and music. I love music, but honestly there are times even music doesn’t soothe my restless heart. So I look for friends to talk to. Thanks to online church campuses, facebook, twitter, and christian chats we have a large variety of options when we don’t have anyone physically to talk to. So I talk to people, and they share their faith and my heart gets focused back on Him. The bible does say’ “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Our God loves fellowship, unity among men. It’s such a beautiful thing. We are not expected to go it alone, we are the church. Not me, or you by yourself but all of us. We are the bride and we need each other to fulfill His will for us(the bride).

It’s a cold, crazy, scary world we live in, but together we can overcome anything with Him by our side. I’m really grateful to Him for all of you who make this beautiful family and who keep me focused on Him. My Father, my King.

What do you do to keep the faith? When everything is making you angry and impatient? How do you turn your focus back on Him?

2 thoughts on “When I can’t focus…

  1. when I see such horrid things, and believe me, there are lots of such stories in India, where I come from, when you feel restless and resentment towards the system, for their apathy, its at that time, I pray, I pray so hard, and talk to God, and ask him to protect the innocent and give justice to the ones who were wronged, I add my prayers to strengthen the prayers of the ones who are praying hard for retribution..for justice…and hope that they get solace…in the end…

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